Environmental Policy
It is an Icon Waste policy to ensure that all activities carried out minimise environmental impacts, conserve natural resources and provide effective safeguarding of the environment. We meet all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements.
Here at Icon we are committed to implement environmental protection and work on a thorough basis to make it a core value of the Icon Waste ethos and culture by:
– Integrating pollution prevention, waste minimisation, and conservation into work practices at all levels; informing employees of applicable environmental regulations and Icon Waste requirements.
– Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of our vehicles and the source of their power.
– Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst suppliers.
– Improving the environmental impact of others’ facilities that we use by responsible use of energy and material resources.
– Meeting environmental objectives, including safe and responsible disposal of waste (where necessary) and clean and efficient use of energy.
In addition, every individual at Icon Waste is expected to:
– Carry out duties in a way that complies with Icon Waste requirements.
– Be aware of the potential environmental consequences of their actions at all times.
– Promptly address or otherwise report conditions that could result in a spill or release of hazardous or regulated material to the environment.
Date: 01/10/2020
Next Review: 01/10/2021
Signed: Adrian Smith (Director)